what is Semi-automatic, automatic and manual bike ?

What is a Automatic?

An automatic motorbike shifts gears automatically. The only thing you have to do is control the bike’s speed and break. Both breaks are located by the steering wheel.

Difficulty: very easy, perfect for beginners and casuals


What is a Semi-Automatic?



Semi-automatics have different gears which you have to change depending on your speed. When driving you need to control the speed, breaks, and shift gears. The gears are changed by a switch at the left foot. The front break is located by your right hand while the back break is by your right foot.

Difficulty: medium, if you are familiar with shifting gears


What is a Manual?

Like semi-automatics, manuals also require you to shift gears. Manuals, however, need you to use the clutch to do so (like in a manual car). The gears are changed by a switch by your left foot and by pulling and releasing the clutch with your left hand. The front break is located by your right hand and the back break is be your right foot.

Difficulty: hard, for experienced drivers